Kwani-Fawn Marcellay


Marcellay is set for Eight-Month Term in Representative Hoyle’s D.C. Office

 The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde established the Mark O. Hatfield Fellowship in 1998 as a living tribute to Senator Hatfield to honor his accomplishments as the Governor of Oregon and a U.S. Senator. Each year, Spirit Mountain Community Fund sponsors a highly motivated Native American to serve as the Hatfield Fellow and intern in an Oregon congressional office, enhancing the mutual understanding between leadership in Washington, D.C., and Indian Country.

The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde and Spirit Mountain Community Fund are pleased to announce Kwani-Fawn Marcellay as the 2024-25 Hatfield Fellow. Marcellay is a citizen of the Colville Confederated Tribes in Washington State. She is a recent graduate of Reed College, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology.

While studying at Reed College, Marcellay served as the President of the American Indians student union. She also worked as a Legal Assistant for her Tribe’s public defender’s office, and conducted community-based research for her Tribe related to sexual assault reporting.

Marcellay is the 25th Native American to serve as a Hatfield Fellow. She will begin her fellowship on in November with a month-long orientation at the American Political Science Association (APSA) in Washington, D.C. Following orientation, she will assume her congressional placement in Representative Val Hoyle’s office. This is Representative Hoyle’s first time to host a Hatfield Fellow.

“I’m thrilled to welcome Kwani to my office this fall, and I look forward to seeing the unique perspective she brings to the table,” said Representative Val Hoyle. “The Hatfield Fellowship, established by the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, is key to strengthening relationships between Oregon’s tribal governments and the congressional delegation. It also creates the opportunity for talented individuals to work in our nation’s capital to promote positive, systemic change and gain first-hand knowledge of the legislative process.” 

“I am honored to be selected as the 2024-25 Hatfield Fellow. I am passionate about protecting tribal sovereignty and want to leverage the skills I will gain from the Hatfield Fellowship to advocate for policies that advance tribal rights and promote meaningful consultation with our communities,” said Marcellay.  “My long-term professional goal is to become a powerful Native attorney who will proudly represent my tribe and pursue justice throughout Indian Country. I feel the most passionate about legal issues concerning criminal jurisdiction, violence against Indian women, and treaty rights. I view this opportunity as the beginning of an industrious career fighting for tribes in and beyond the courtroom.

“I am eager to serve as a bridge between tribal-federal relations and continue the legacy of public service as exemplified by Senator Hatfield.”

Stacia Martin-Hernandez (2009/10 Hatfield Fellow) and Kurt Schrader

Statement of Purpose:

The Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon established the Mark O. Hatfield Fellowship in 1997 as a tribute to Senator Hatfield for his accomplishments as Governor of Oregon, United States Senator, and for his support to the Grand Ronde Tribe, Native Americans, Oregonians and all Americans. 

The Hatfield Fellowship ensures that Mark Hatfield's legacy of integrity, strength, and effectiveness in public service will endure. Each year, the fellowship opportunity will enable a Native American to serve as a member of the staff of one of Oregon's congressional delegation. The Hatfield Fellow will serve as a liaison between the congressional member and Oregon tribes on issues that affect Native Americans and as a resource for the entire Oregon congressional delegation. In addition, the Hatfield Fellowship program seeds Indian Country with capable, motivated individuals who know their way around Washington, D.C., to produce long-term benefits for all Tribes in the Pacific Northwest.

Fellowship Details:

The Hatfield Fellow rotates between the House and Senate members of the Oregon delegation. 

The Grand Ronde Tribe, through the Spirit Mountain Community Fund (SMCF), provides funding for the Hatfield Fellowship. Each Hatfield Fellow serves a nine month period from November through July and receives a stipend (taxable wages) of approximately $82,620 for a nine-month period and moving expenses ($7,000). The Hatfield Fellow will also be allowed travel expenses for one district visit (up to $3,500), travel expenses for the Canada Trip with APSA (up to $2,000) and the APSA Orientation fee ($5,300), not to exceed a total of $100,420.  All dependents accompanying the Fellow will do so at their own expense. The Hatfield Fellow is responsible for locating housing for the duration of their stay in Washington, D.C.  

 (Please review the discussion in the Frequently Asked Questions section of this packet which provides more details concerning the funding of this Fellowship.)

Each year, the SMCF selection committee will choose a Native American who is at least 21 years of age, to serve as the Hatfield Fellow. Preference will be given to qualified enrolled members of the nine federally recognized Oregon tribes.

The Hatfield Fellow will serve as an advisor to his or her member on Native American issues and as a resource on Native American issues for the entire Oregon Congressional delegation.

During the congressional fellowship, the Hatfield Fellow is expected to make one district visit to Oregon. The visit will include briefing tribal representatives on political activity in Washington, D.C., report their experiences and work in Washington, D.C., and work with the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon to recruit candidates for the following year’s Fellowship. All travel must be coordinated with the appropriate SMCF staff.

Each Hatfield Fellow is required to participate in a one-month orientation program that is provided by the American Political Science Association (APSA) at the start of the fellowship. 

Note: All travel (including district visits and the Canada trip) is subject to change based on current COVID-19 restrictions.

Fellowship Activities:

Fellows will routinely provide a myriad of support functions to the assigned congressional office and attend hearings and debates. Fellows will research, prepare briefs and write speeches that will be presented to Congress and other constituents by the Congressman/Congresswoman or by other appropriate congressional staff. 

Tentative Calendar & Procedures:

                                    Applications open now through May 2, 2025

May 2, 2025 - Application Deadline - Applicants interested in being considered for this year's Hatfield Fellowship must have their application received by SMCF staff on or before this date to be accepted.  

May 30, 2025 - Finalist Selection - Applicants are notified of next applicant phase and an interview date and time will be arranged for selected finalists. 

June 2025 - Finalist Interviews - The selection panel convenes for interviews. Finalists are responsible for all expenses associated with the regional interviews. (Additional information will be provided to you if you are selected as a finalist.)

June 2025 - Selection Notification - The applicant selected will be notified by phone and confirmed by email. All other applicants will receive a phone call or email informing them of their status. The selected applicant is required to complete a brief security form and undergo a background investigation before proceeding with the selection process.

July/September 2025 - Fellow’s Follow-up Activities:

  • The Hatfield Fellow is expected to contact the congressional office they are assigned to work in and finalize work hours for the nine-months in Washington, D.C., as well as arrange a visit to the local office prior to their departure to Washington, D.C.
  • The Hatfield Fellow will be required to sit for a professional photograph. This activity will be coordinated by SMCF staff.  
  • The Hatfield Fellow will arrange for housing in the Washington, D.C., area.
  • The Hatfield Fellow is to be in contact with representatives of the Spirit Mountain Community Fund concerning moving costs and travel arrangements to Washington, D.C.
  • The Fellow will participate in a meet and greet with Tribal Council and the outgoing Hatfield Fellow prior to departing for Washington D.C.
  • The Fellow will participate in interviews for press release and other related media. 

November 2025 - APSA Orientation - Hatfield Fellow will participate in the month-long orientation in the American Political Science Association Congressional Fellowship Program during the month of November. When not participating in this training, you will work for the office assigned to you.  There will be a lot of time built into the APSA training for Fellows to interview with potential office placements.  Because the Hatfield Fellow already has an assigned office placement, the Fellow will use this time working instead.

December 1, 2025 - Office Placement Begins.

December 2025 through July 2026 – Fellowship Activities: 

  • Monthly Reports - The Fellow will provide a monthly report detailing his/her experiences in the fellowship program to the SMCF Program Coordinator.
  • Fellow will participate in ongoing activities with APSA.
  • Fellow will participate in one district visit to Oregon.  
  • Fellow will meet with Tribal Council and the incoming Hatfield Fellow to provide a brief overview of their Hatfield experience.

July 31, 2026 - Final Day of Fellowship.

How to Apply

Application Details

The Grand Ronde Tribe is proud to invest in the development of tomorrow’s Native American leaders through the Hatfield Fellowship.

If you are interested in applying for the 2025/2026 Hatfield Fellowship, please submit your application materials via email to  by 5pm on May 2, 2025.

Applicants are required to submit an application, detailed resume, personal statement, three letters of reference and a CIB. 

Qualifications & Application Details Hatfield Fellowship FAQs