Traven Joseph, 2019/20 Hatfield Fellow

How to Apply

Hatfield Fellowship Application deadline

The Grand Ronde Tribe is proud to invest in the development of tomorrow’s Native American leaders through the Hatfield Fellowship. 

If you are interested in applying for the 2025/2026 Hatfield Fellowship, please submit your application materials via email to by 5pm on May 2, 2025.

Applicants are required to submit the following application materials: 

  • Application
  • Detailed resume
  • Personal statement
  • Three letters of reference
  • CIB       

(See below for details and instructions for all required application materials.)  

Applications for the 2025/2026 Hatfield Fellow Accepted March 3, 2025 - May 2, 2025.

Hatfield Fellowship Application

Application Timeline:

  • Applications Open: March 3, 2025
  • Application Deadline: May 2, 2025
  • Finalist Selections:  May 30, 2025
  • Interviews & Selection Notification: June 2025
  • Fellowship Begins with APSA Orientation: November 2025
  • Office Placement: December 2025 – July 2026

For Questions: Email 

Basic Qualifications/Eligibility/Selection Process:

The selection process for the Hatfield Fellowship is expected to be very competitive. The application materials are designed to reveal remarkable achievement by the applicant, demonstrated leadership qualities, a commitment to serve others and the skills required for a successful year as a special assistant to the Oregon congressional delegation.

  • First preference in the selection of the Fellow shall be given to enrolled members of the nine federally recognized Tribes of Oregon.
  • If there is no suitable applicant from the Oregon Tribes, the Fellow may be selected from enrolled members of and federally recognized Tribe within the United States, who are currently living within the Pacific Northwest.
  • Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and must have, as a minimum, a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college within the United States. (Preference will be given to candidates who have a graduate degree or are currently enrolled in an accredited master’s degree program.)  
  • The selection committee shall use its discretion in naming the Hatfield Fellow. Candidates are judged based on their professional, academic and artistic background, as well as other accomplishments and a demonstrated interest in public service.  Because the fellowship is designed to nurture future leaders, rather than to reward established leaders, evidence of growth potential is also an essential criterion in the selection process.
  • The selection committee shall have the discretion to not name a Hatfield Fellow for the year under consideration if it deems none of the applicants are suitably qualified.
  • The staff of the Spirit Mountain Community Fund will process completed applications. After review of the most promising Fellowship candidates, individuals will be notified of their selection for an interview. The Hatfield Fellow is required to undergo a comprehensive background investigation to insure that they qualify for the security clearance necessary for their Fellowship work assignment.
  • Previous Hatfield Fellows are ineligible to apply.

Fellows are selected on the basis of academic competence as well as their demonstrated interest in the public policy process. Applicants must be adaptable, articulate and exhibit excellent writing skills. Applicants must possess critical thinking skills and demonstrate sensitivity toward policy issues. A prospective Fellow must have a record of success, the ability to work quickly, communicate effectively on a wide variety of topics, and work cooperatively with individuals with diverse viewpoints. 


Selection Committee:

The selection committee may consist of the following representatives:

  • A representative of the Grand Ronde Tribe
  • A representative of the Oregon congressional member’s office
  • A past Hatfield Fellow
  • SMCF Board Members
  • SMCF Staff Members

Application Procedures:

To expedite the processing of your Fellowship application, please note the following:

  • All materials submitted by the Applicant are non-returnable.
  • Spirit Mountain Community Fund may use materials for publicity or promotional purposes.
  • Applicants will not be considered for the Hatfield Fellowship if all required materials are not received by the application deadline.
  • Failure by the applicant to complete and/or successfully pass the necessary background investigation will mean automatic disqualification from the Fellowship opportunity.
  • Applicant, by his or her participation in the Hatfield Fellowship program, agrees to release and hold harmless the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon, Spirit Mountain Community Fund and their officers, directors, and staff, and all other entities arising out of your presence in Washington, D.C., or travel to or from work site(s) for said purpose.

Submit the following:

  • Completion of the basic application which includes personal information.  
  • A detailed resume. 
  • A CIB
  • A personal statement (not to exceed 1,500 words) explaining how the Mark O. Hatfield Fellowship relates to your personal and professional goals. 
  • The names of three (3) professional references (not family or personal acquaintances) that have agreed to write letters of recommendation. These letters must be signed original copies that specifically address the applicant’s skills and abilities to successfully serve as a Hatfield Fellow in Washington, D.C., and speak to your professional relationship. Applicants are responsible for arranging for the letters of recommendation to be received in SMCF’s office no later than May 2, 2025.  Letters that arrive late will not be accepted. All letters should be emailed to

Application Deadline

May 2, 2025 at 5pm

Please email all application materials to the attention of: SMCF Program Coordinator


Telephone: (503) 879-1462